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Technical Theatre: Design & Production Syllabus 

RM: P101 Mrs. Blanco


In Technical Theatre: Design and production you will learn to demonstrate and apply the necessary skills and techniques to produce a play. Each individual will develop an appreciation of the different roles required within a production. Students will fully realize all the moving parts to put on a show and the necessary collaboration among the director, lighting designer, costume designer, sound designer, and all the technical elements. (And that interdepartmental communication is key.) 
That a successful show requires planning, patience, and problem


Daily class schedule

  • 15 min.-Journal (Question of the day)

  • 75 min.-Exercise/Assignment/Rehearsal (This part will begin with whole group instruction led by the teacher and then will be divided into group work, partners, or independently.)

  • 10 min.-Reflection on Exercise or assignment.

  • 20 min.- Whole group discussion on reflection, questions, comments/ clean up.


Expectations/ Participation: As magnet drama students you should be engaged in class and participating in class discussions, providing constructive criticism when appropriate, and making sure you raise your hand to ask questions about what you do not understand. Every day class will start, and end, with a journal entry. Participation is key to your success in this class. As a member of the magnet program, it is also required you maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, or risk probationary action and escalating to removal from the program.


Your grade will be based on the following:
- Active class participation/Assessments (both written and performance assessment are included here)
- Journals/Reflections/Projects/Homework/
- One technical position per semester (details will be given during class)


Required Materials:
1 sketchbook, pencils, color pencils, acrylic paint ($7 on Amazon), 2 basic thin paintbrushes, highlighter, dividers, and 1 journal: Question of the day/assignments, and reflections.


Discipline Policy: All technology IPhones, IPads, laptops should be out of sight unless requested by the teacher for a class project. Any forms of disrespect or being disruptive in class towards your teacher Mrs. Blanco or your classmates will not be tolerated in class. Failure to uphold to this policy will result in the following:
1.Verbal warning
2. Phone call home/ Student will be asked to have a seat and be given an alternate assignment to fulfill technical element/participation grade for that day. If the student refuses to do the alternate assignment they will be given a zero and an additional phone call home to notify parents of the grade.
4. Parent/teacher conference
5. After school Detention
*If student continues with disruptive/disrespectful behavior it will result in the following:
6. Sent to the office/Referral/ Removal of thespians, events, and activities.


Events/Competition/Field trips to look forward to:

  • 2 Field trips to Actor’s Playhouse at the Miracle theatre to see a Musical! Dates TBD (All Students)

  • IE’s Competition Part 1 at Miami Arts Studio. (Thespians only)

  • IE’s Competition Part 2 at Miami beach high school. (Thespians only)

  • Improv Jam (for students who qualified) Miami Arts studio January. (Thespians only)

  • Florida State Thespian Competition in Tampa, FL March 16-20 (for students who qualified, and who are active thespian members)

  • Young talent big dreams competition at Actor’s Playhouse Dates TBD (All students)

  • Shakespeare competition in April, exact date TBD (All students)

Please note: Dates and activities may be subject to change as well as other activities may be added throughout the school year. Fundraisers will also occur to help all individuals to participate in as many activities as possible.


Class Outline:
This is a general idea of what we will be doing this year. Some things may be changed or be added to fulfill all required learning for the Technical theatre: Design and production class.

  • Who’s who in a theatre company

  • Preparing your space

  • Selecting a show/ Directing

  • Make up/mask work

  • Costume design

  • Costume renderings

  • Scenic lists and research

  • Scenic renderings and drawing

  • Realized scenic design

  • Staging/Ground plan

  • Lighting/ Sound design and execution

  • Stage management/ Scheduling

  • Marketing/ Budgeting/ Front of house


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